Ansible Async POLL with Examples

Ansible Async POLL with Examples

By default ansible will run tasks one after the other in sequentially. i,e Ansible executes the first task,after completion of the first task it will go for another task. In some situations task will take more time. If you take a example of apt-get update or yum update it will take more time compared to other tasks. so the playbook will take longer time to complete all the tasks.

Ansible Async Poll or Ansible Asynchronous Tasks

using ansible async module we can put the tasks in background which taking more time and we continue with other tasks. So we can execute other tasks without waiting for the long running task to complete. using ansible async mode we can run the tasks in parallaly and we can check this background running tasks later.

Ansible Async Examples

- name: ansible async poll
  command: /bin/sleep 50 
  async: 60 
  poll: 10


Async indicates the Total time to complete the task or its maximum runtime of the task.


poll indicates to Ansible, how often to poll to check if the command has been completed. or
how frequently you would like to poll for status. with poll we keep checking whether the job is completed or not. The default poll value is 10 seconds

poll: 5 This will poll the results every 5 seconds


poll: 0 Fire and forget

if you do not need to wait on the task to complete, you may run the task asynchronously by specifying a poll value of 0: In this mode ansible will connects to the client system, starts the process and disconnects. we don’t need to wait for completion task.

Ansible async_status

Ansible provides the option to get the task status in any time. Using ansible async_status we can get the status of async task at any time.

- name: install docker
    name: docker-io
    state: installed
  async: 500
  poll: 0
  register: my_task

- name: get the task status using ansible async_status
    jid: "{{ my_task.ansible_job_id }}"
  register: result
  until: result.finished
  retries: 30

retries how many attempts before failing.



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