How To Create AWS Access Key and Secret Key
Steps to Create AWS Access Key and Secret Key
Aws access keys consist of an access key ID and secret access key, which are used to sign programmatic requests that you make to AWS. in this article we are going to see how to create aws access key and secret key.
Sign in aws console
to create aws access keys the first step is login to to aws console
Select my security credential
after logging to aws console, on the top menu bar click on your username, it will open small window here you can see my security credential as shown in below image.
Select Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)
click on my security credential it will redirect you to access key generation page, click on Access keys (access key ID and secret access key).
Create New Access key
here you can see create new access key, click on that it will create your aws access key and secret key.
click on show access key it will show you your aws access key and secret key.
Download the keys
we can also download key file, key file will have your aws access key and secret key. once you close this window you can not retrieve your secret access key again. So either copy that keys or download the key file. Here aws will give a statement like Download your key file now, which contains your new access key ID and secret access key. If you do not download the key file now, you will not be able to retrieve your secret access key again.
Root user access keys provide unrestricted access to your entire AWS account. its better to create a new IAM user with limited permissions and generating access keys for that user instead.