Shell Script To Replace String in A File -1
Shell Script To Replace String in A File
using linux sed command we can find a word or string in a file and we can replace a that string with another new string.
Shell Script To Replace String in A File
sed -i -e 's/old/new/g' hello.txt sed -i -e 's/cat/dog/g' hello.txt or sed -ie 's/cat/dog/g' hello.txt
above command will find all strings called as a cat and it will replace all cat strings with dog.
is used to substitute the found string cat with dog
stands for "global". i.e. replace all and not just the first occurrence
option is used to edit in place on the file hello.txt
option indicates the expression/command to run, in this case s/
- shell script to replace a string in a file
- shell script to replace text in file